Homeschooling Trends Across the Nation: A Local Perspective

The Washington Post recently released an article that sheds light on the nationwide surge in homeschooling, providing valuable insights that can influence our approach as educators. Looking at home schooling’s explosive growth, a Post analysis finds that it has far outpaced the rate at private and public schools.

Understanding the Homeschooling Boom

The Washington Post's analysis reveals that homeschooling has become the fastest-growing form of education in the United States. This growth, initially spurred by the onset of the pandemic, has defied expectations by maintaining momentum through the 2022-23 academic year. The data, collected from thousands of school districts across the country, offers a detailed look at the unprecedented growth in American homeschooling.

Factors Driving the Homeschooling Surge

The reasons behind the homeschooling surge are multifaceted and extend beyond concerns about the quality of public schools. The article dispels the notion that the boom is solely a result of failing public schools, emphasizing that there is no correlation between school district quality, as measured by standardized test scores, and homeschooling growth.

The Local Impact

The article provides a district-by-district analysis, offering a glimpse into the homeschooling trends in Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C.'s school district saw a staggering 108% increase in homeschool enrollment since the 2017-18 school year. While the specific data for other areas of Maryland might not be highlighted, the broader trends offer insights into the changing educational landscape in our region.

Local Strategies for Supporting Homeschooled Students

As a tutor located in Frederick, MD, this trend emphasizes the importance of adapting our strategies to meet the evolving needs of our students. Homeschooled children, along with those attending public and private schools, may require tailored approaches to ensure a well-rounded and effective education.

Need Help with Homeschooling?

I’m an educational tutoring and testing professional who has worked with typical, gifted, and special needs students for more than 30 years. I work with students who are in public and private schools, and those who are home-schooled. With my years of experience, I understand that each student's learning experience is different. That’s why I partner with parents, students, and educator(s) to build sustainable and customized learning experiences for every student looking for long-term success!

Read more from the Washington Post Article on Home Schooling's Rise here.